Imagination is My Strength

Imagination is My Strength

Friday, August 20, 2010


Realizing our identity in the world is
Easier said than done, His
Love conquers the confusion.
Analyze your character and spirit, by
Taking a long look
In the mirror, also know as the His Book.
Overdose yourself with His compassion; and
Never will He judge, abuse or
Send you away, His
House is for every type of person, come
In. and when you decide to stay, the
Person you are, is forever changed, the
New light shining brought into your eyes, I'm
On fire for a greater purpose.
Told your beautiful, because it's true.
Reaching a dream unthinkable.
Eliminating the violence and the battles inside with
Love comes Faith and miracles.
Injured minds and hearts healed forever;
Gone and lost in His loving arms.
Overflow of forgiveness from Him to you
Not Lost, but Found.

A Kiss.

The million dollar view
so many people tend to see through.
a simple thing taken for granted,
open your hearts and leave your mind abandoned.
the sun setting orange as it says goodnight;
the swans matted white feathers
with her babies trailing behind.
the fish follow you in the lake as you
walk along the path -
Imagine what it's like to breath underwater.
the sky has been painted by the Great Artist
with the brightest red and deepest purple
the world will ever come to know.
the surrounding scene goes to show
everyone who passes by aimlessly
talking on their cell phone
has never noticed and
missed the world's greatest gift -
the sun's kiss on the evening sky
with her colorful undaunted lips.

The Truth is Alive

Getting up to fall back down,
Over run with confusion.
Doors close, but new ones always open.
Inferiority is an evaporating feeling within me.
Smiling and Laughter is the cure for pain and
Love of a Father closes the hole.
Overcoming the intimidating fears.
Voices and Opinions collide in confrontation but
Excavating the living truth is not hard.
Heading down a narrow path is
Easier with your Best Friend who is closer than a brother.
Inadequate enemies will try to attack but will
Suffer and fail in the Light.
Real, genuine joy shall conquer with
Everlasting peace as my victory.
And a shelter that will never cave in.
Liberty is through a prayer.

<3 <3 <3

Monday, August 16, 2010

To the One who Knows me.

After 10:30 at night,
In the dark corner of my room
with a small flash light,
I read you life changing letter
gripped in my hand tight.

I believe when you say
Your thoughts for me our endless
like the sand covered by the sea;
And when everyone else leaves -
You will be closer than ever to comfort me.
To my Heavenly Father.
There is no where else
Love and Grace abound,
than in you arms.
You wrap me in Your peace
and I soak in Your
endless forgiveness and strength.
My battles were dark
and You fought and defeated all
of my current and coming enemies.
No more do I feel inferior and small.
You KNOW and understand me
and everything I've had to go through.
Now I never stand alone,
You have conquered my fears
and taken my heart astole.

There's something precious
about Your healing touch.
You take my pain and hurt away
and give me joy as a everlasting replacement.
You KNOW me from the inside out;
You knew me even before
I knew myself.

And I never want to escape your presence.
I am truly nothing without You.
Your Son and Your blood
are for me.
I am Your daughter,
made in Your image, whole and healed.
Seeking You face and
following You at Your guided pace.

Love, Your Daughter

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Secret Garden.

The day is filled with red roses and a yellow sun.
And up ahead there is a large estate
with high walls and a broken gate.
Our foot prints in the over-grown grass,
and then we've seem to reach a status
higher than any other imaginative class.

As we conquer the walls to seek what's inside
to find what we've been waiting for,
for what seems like a lifetime.
and your moss-colored eyes,
hold a riotess surprise
that I could never deny.

Ending up in the north side garden
sharing a cup of cream colored tea,
I cant even believe
you made our own

secret escape.
Where all the shame melts away
like a candle with a searing hot flame.
We've seem to loose track of the days
and our vision never gets hazy

from the warm rain.
The tall hedges of green, make a maze
for us to get lost in
when we decide to go crazy.
And then the night starts to fall
like a cloth covering the sky
and we only try to stall
by forgetting the morning;
but reality comes
when the dawn breaks and shatters.
And our secret hideaway has to wait.
Until then, we both wont find the time to think straight
once we see that broken vine covered gate.

this took to long to write.......and i feel it doesnt even make too much sense.
- <3

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Strange Thing

Love is a strange thing.
it cannot be seen, heard, breathed in or summed up in a writing, but only felt.
Love - she is not words or promises. She is a series of actions. She gives and sacrifices.
that is Love. A Love that doesn't grow cold, one that never grows old - surprises with each passing day.
She is not a boat in a raging storm with piercing winds on the black sea. Love is calm and brings peace.
Love is a guide and no a guessing game. She is found in the oddest of places.
Where and When you least expect her,
but when you actually need her the most.

Ive had people who say they love me - im NO expert on love, but if someone says they love me but then repeatedly do stupid actions that counter what they said, then they dont love. sad to say, but true. basically what i wanted to sy is that ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. el fin.


So Much Happens Across the Room

Your eyes make my thoughts go out in static
and my heart is going so fast, you can hear it sing.
My ears just want to hear you call my name
one more time,
before I collapse in chair
with my head filled with dreams of you.
To breath the sweet air,
and you watch me sit there
wondering if you enter my mind in anyway.
Like a fence with an open gate
and with pleasure, I watch you
make your way through my thoughts.
I'm happily lost,
drowning in memories of you.
And you happen to feel the same about me too.
Only if we both knew.

- :) I wish it would rain, and to have coffee, maybe a good book too....

-nicola ali

How I would like to Conquer the World with You.

We can paint the bird's songs
With the colors that we stole
From the flowers in the neighboring fields.
Rehearse the sun's rise
And the shooting stars
across the night sky;
And then we can take flight
In the ocean's waters.
How deep Can we go?
We can dig a hole to China,
See what the world is like with the Man on the Moon,
And watch the Amazon forest grow.
But even though will never know
Where we might end up;
All we have each other's love,
And that seems to be enough.

i think i write too much - i write three things a night, and they kinda seem to be all different. jeez.

love and joy - Nicole

P.s. Listen to my favorite song by my new favorite artist - Jason Reeves "Someone Somewhere". It's simply amazing and its on of those smiley songs - make you smile every time you listen to them <3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sometimes we can't see
What we truly need,
Too concerned with the rules to proceed
to our wishes, desires and dreams.
Trapped by our own promises
Foolishly made.
We end up with a crisis
that cannot be tamed.
A miracle is foreseen,
Seems out of reach and cannot be.
Life has always planted
Surprising seeds
that should never be taken for granted.
And towards the end
Always falls into reach.

:) can we die of happiness? hmmm.... probably not - i would have died along time go.....

My Trust is Safe.

I have the choice
And the plan to listen to only one Voice.
The answer is given,
I'm ready and driven
To take the narrow path,
Test my faith and my pride.
I know with You I can last.
My eyes deceive me
So i don't trust what i see.
You've changed me from the inside out.
And I don't have any doubts.
Don't have to prove anything else to me
Cause I already believe.
With you I can go beyond my dreams and destiny.

I want to go on a missions trip to Thailand next summer. i tried talking to my dad about it - but he said i had to be thankful for what i already had and money grows on trees..... -_-. I understand where my dad is coming from. but im not ungrateful where i stand right now, i just feel like God is leading me to do this. and i figured out that when i couldnt get my all the barbies i wanted at the age of five that the dollor bills didnt come from planting a seed. i know we dont have $6,000 just laying around under my couch ready for whatever my wish may be. Talked to my mom - she said we'll talk about in the fall, when i would acutally have to sign up for a trip, she saud i would have to work and save for it. i'm getting a job next month - kinda nerves. BUT, to me money isnt the issues here, its not my worry at all - and i kinda surprised myself, cause every other exchange program ive wanted to do, money was my worry. But here i have this feeling thats its taken care of. God will provide - i do believe this is His will and thsi is for His glory. He wants to bless me, so i belive and trust in God that He will take care of the needs me or my family cant meet.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Potential Feeling

I am not afraid
But forever changed.
A moment passes by,
Your life flashes before your eyes
And you realize
Your box is too small.
It's time to climb the wall
To discover what's new -
The galaxy that lays before you.
I want to reach the unknown;
To be uncomfortable and put out of place.
To conquer the one thing,
That I can't figure out
But willingly to chase.
To explore, to discover, to dream and
To escape,
the Box I live in.
I'm tired of being forced
Into my little square space.

Lately I've been feeling a bit boxed. have you noticed. i tried not to make it too obvious. i want to be put out there to try conquering things - like dreams - who said i had to wait till i graduate high school? my dreams are simple, they are not becoming the CEO of a giant company and make millions upon billions and partying with p. diddy (what a stupid name) on the weekends and rolling in my green pit of paper. i simply just want to live in Europe - learn a new language and discover a culture - to find where the locals eat - how to cook whats in the local region - to not have the need to go to a blasted grocery store and just got out in the back yard and make a good Au gratin or vegetable dish - my dreams. Learning a language at home is not as easy as i thought it would be. Before i finish high school i want to at least know French and Italian. i hope next summer i can go out of the country. living in a little town just motivates me more to grow. :) I'm happy cause i know that i can do all the things i want and more. :) :)))

- Nicole Ali <3

Milk & Roses

On the corner of Judson,
Heading East,
The Sun's Rays
Highlight your lies
and I'm not planning to compromise.

The EXIT sign wasn't turned on.
So when the waters of emotion
Caved In,
You were trapped inside you sin.

When we were little
In Your backyard,
Soaked with Kaleidoscope imagination,
Our minds were wiped clean
Of any thought of the things
You would do to me.
You drank my milk and picked me Roses.
You managed to hide
But I could not leave Him or you behind
So I tried
To glue the shattered pieces of your life.
But when I hit the walls end,
Crazy colors spiraled through the dark.
Memories aside to bury;
A black lace bow in my hair
And I'm not scared.
A kiss on my forehead
and we run opposite roads;
I see the shining sun ahead.

i know it doesnt really make sense, but to me it does-- i actually really like this, its kinda crazy but its what is going on in my head haha

-- :)